




博导 硕导


网易CC胡椒土豪定制微透旗袍裙, 机械工程






1) 多能场复合加工工艺与装备

2 智能精密装配工艺及控制

3 增材制造件后处理工艺

4 数字化脉冲电源技术及嵌入式系统

个人简介:网易CC胡椒土豪定制微透旗袍裙 教授、博导/硕导, 国家高层次青年人才;院长助理、制造系教学主任。哈尔滨工业大学博士毕业后,在清华大学从事博士后工作,并在新加坡南洋理工大学NTU和新加坡国立大学NUSResearch Fellow 工作。

长期从事多能场复合加工工艺(电加工、电化学加工、等离子体加工、激光增材制造、超精密加工)、智能精密装配技术(理论、控制、装备)及智能控制技术等领域研究,也涉及纳米材料制备及制氢技术、医工融合等交叉学科研究。作为负责人主持了科研项目十余项;以技术骨干身份参加了新加坡CRPNUS-T_Lab基金、新加坡MOE Tier 2、国家863计划、国家自然科学基金、装发预研、国防基础研究等20余项项目。在Applied Catalysis B: EnvironmentalJournal of Alloys and CompoundsJournal of materials processing technology Nano ResearchNano Energy等高水平期刊发表学术论文78篇,包括SCI收录60余篇;授权发明专利10项,获得软件著作权2项,参编教材1部;获得2项省级科技进步奖。目前是全国特种加工机床标委会委员、中国机械工程学会高级会员、特种加工学会理事、机械工业自动化学会委员、生产分会的精密装配委员会委员,制造业及自动化期刊青年编委,多个国际期刊的优秀审稿人。





[1] GX Li, WW Xu, X Jin, L Liu, SL Ding, CJ Li,* The machinability of stainless steel 316 L fabricated by selective laser melting: Typical cutting responses, white layer and evolution of chip morphology. Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 315 (2023) 117926

[2] Jue Liu, Shiyun Dong, Xin Jin, Pengyue Wu, Xiaoting Liu, Yonghao Tan, Chaojiang Li*, Binshi Xu, Quality control of large-sized alloy steel parts fabricated by multi-laser selective laser melting (ML-SLM). Materials & Design 223 (2022) 111209

[3] Chaojiang Li, Depiao Liu, Guodong Liu*, Shenggui Liu, Xin Jin, Yuechao Bai. Surface characteristics enhancement and morphology evolution of selective-laser-melting (SLM) fabricated stainless steel 316L by laser polishing. Optics & Laser Technology 162 (2023) 109246

[4] Xin Jin, Ruilin Gao, Chaojiang Li*, On-machine measurement and temperature compensation method of NURBS surface interpolation for semicircular narrow neck thickness based on ultra-precision machine tool. Measurement Science and Technology, 33 (2022) 065008

[5] Zhang, B.W#; Li, C.J.#; Hu J. YZ Huang*Cobalt tungsten phosphide with tunable W-doping as highly efficient electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction. Nano Research 14(2021):4073-4078

[6] CJ Li, SG Liu, X Jin, X Cao, One-Step Fabrication of Cu2O-Cu Catalytic Electrodes with Regular Porous Array by Ultra-Fast Laser Scanning, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2021)900:163455

[7] Y Lu#, CJ Li#, Y Zhang, X Cao, YZ Huang*, Engineering of cation and anion vacancies in Co3O4 thin nanosheets by laser irradiation for more advancement of oxygen evolution reaction, Nano Energy, 83(2021):105800

[8] XZ Wang, CJ Li, H Guo, SL Ding, Alternating Energy Electrical Discharge Machining of Titanium Alloy Using a WC-PCD Electrode, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 60(2020) :37-47

[9] Chaojiang Li, Bowei Zhang, Yong Li, Shiji Hao, Xu Cao, Guang Yang, Junsheng, Wu, Yizhong Huang*, Self-assembled Cu-Ni bimetal oxide 3D in-plane epitaxial structures for highly efficient oxygen evolution reaction. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 244 (2019) 56-62.

[10] Chaojiang Li, Xi Xu, Yong Li*, Hao Tong, Songlin Ding*, Quancun Kong. Effects of dielectric fluids on surface integrity for the recast layer in high speed EDM drilling of nickel alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 783 (2019) 95-102.

[11] X. Cao, C.J. Li, Y. Lu, B. Zhang, Y. Wu, Q. Liu, J. Wu, J. Teng, W. Yan*, Y.Z. Huang*, Catalysis of Au nano-pyramids formed across the surfaces of ordered Au nano-ring arrays, Journal of Catalysis, 377 (2019) 389–399.

[12] DongJiang Wu, F Lu, DK Zhao, GY Ma, CJ Li, J Ding, FY Niu*, Effect of doping SiC particles on cracks and pores of Al2O3–ZrO2 eutectic ceramics fabricated by directed laser deposition, Journal of Materials Science, 54, (2019), 9321–9330,

[13] SJ Hao, B. Ouyang, CJ Li, BW Zhang, JY Feng, JS Wu, M Srinivasan, and YZ Huang*, Hollow Mesoporous Co(PO3)2 @Carbon Polyhedra as High Performance Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries, Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 123 (2019), 8599–8606

[14] C.J. Li, Y. Rao, B.W. Zhang, J. Wu, L. Xiao, Y.Z. Huang *, Extraordinary Catalysis Induced by Titanium Foil Cathode Plasma for Degradation of Water Pollutant, Chemosphere, 214 (2019) 341-348

[15] C.J. Li, B.W. Zhang, Y. Li*, H. Tong, S.L. DingZ.Q Wang, Self-adjusting EDM/ECM high speed drilling of film cooling holes, Journal of materials processing technology, 262 (2018) 95–103.

[16] X. Xu#, C.J.Li#, J. Lim, Y. Wang, A. Ong, X. Li, Erwin Peng, Jun Ding*. Hierarchical design of NiOOH@ amorphous Ni-P bilayer on a 3D mesh substrate for high efficiency oxygen evolution reaction. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2018, 10 (36), pp 30273–30282.

[17] CJ Li, Y Li*, H Tong, L Zhao, QC Kong,ZQ Wang, EDM pulse power generator and its feasible experiments for drilling film cooling holes, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, p1813-1821. (87), 2016.

[18] C.J. LI* , Y. LI, X. GAO, C.V. DUONG, Ultra precision machining of Fresnel lens mould by single point diamond turning based on axis B rotation. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. p907-913. 77(5), 2015.

[19] 李汇,李光先,高瑞麟,金鑫,刘璐,李朝将*Ding SL. 不锈钢增材制造件后处理工艺的研究进展, 航空学报2022, 43(4): 525847

[20] 白玉超,王迪,李朝将,激光定向能量沉积制造A131EH36/AISI1045双金属结构性能研究,中国激光2022,(49

[21] 李朝将,高兴,李勇*Duong Cam Vinh,超精密切削机床机电系统设计及Fresnel透镜模具加工实验,光学 精密工程20152310),p410-416

[22] 孔全存,李勇*,刘国栋,李朝将,佟浩, 三电极微细电解加工脉冲电源, 清华大学学报,55(3), p262-272, 2015


[1] 国家自然科学基金 面上项目--复合材料的超大深径比微孔加工,50万;

[2] 科技部重点研发计划课题--精密产品测装调一体化组装系统及应用,1600万;

[3] 国防基础科研(重大)分承研--面向XX发动机模块化XX精益装配技术,300万;

[4] 国防基础科研(重大)分承研-- XXX装配制造技术,200万;

[5] 国防项目发动机增材制造零件可装配性、虚拟装配及检测和工艺优化;(结题)

[6] 上海航天创新基金半球谐振陀螺装配各向异性误差及控制技术;(结题)

[7] 国家自然科学 青年基金项目; (结题)

[8] 中国博士后特别资助项目; (结题)

[9] 中国博士后面上资助项目; (结题)




2012 年清华大学博士后人才支持计划;


2021年度 北京理工大学“三全育人”优秀导师、优秀班主任

2021年度 北京理工大学 招生工作贡献奖;


机械工程学会高级会员,全国特种加工机床标委会委员,生产分会的精密装配委员会委员,北京市科学技术委员会科技项目评审专家库专家、教育部全国研究生教育评估监测专家库专家、航天三网智能制造专委会委员。International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green TechnologyJournal of Cleaner Production, IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics等国际期刊审稿人。